
Legacy and Planned Giving

Contributing to the Mount Madonna Legacy ~ Community and philanthropy.

Mount Madonna School is a vibrant community with an average enrollment of 200 students. The MMS campus currently consists of a pre-school, kindergarten, elementary, middle and high school. We provide a full program of academics, and enrichment, while we maintain a balanced budget through our tuition, two key fundraising events and contributions to our Annual Campaign.

Thanks to the generosity of families, faculty, staff and friends who have provided resources since 1979, the children who attend Mount Madonna School continue to have the opportunity to experience an extraordinary education. The more we receive in scholarship contributions and annual gifts, the more students we can provide with assistance.

Endowments provide financial stability, leverage new sources of income, encourage innovation, and allow for long-term support of Mount Madonna School. Funds for an endowment meet various needs while supporting the financial infrastructure of MMS. Endowment funds are held in perpetuity guaranteeing the donor their vision will continue to make a difference in the lives of our students, hopefully encouraging them to grow into contributors in their own right.

What is an endowment? An endowment is a gift of cash or other donated property (stocks, bonds, real-estate) that are invested to produce ongoing income for MMS. The gifts contributed to an endowment are referred to as the “principal” or “corpus.” Endowment gifts remain untouched and are invested. Only the interest income is used to support the program.

How is an endowment established? A donor makes a gift to the school (usually $50K or greater). Donors have an opportunity to name an endowment they establish. Some choose to name the endowment after themselves, in honor or memory of a relative, friend, loved one, or to honor a respected faculty member.

The Bernice Arnold Scholarship Endowment
It was Bernice Arnold’s wish that a Mount Madonna School education be accessible to as many families as possible. At Ms. Arnold’s request, there is an amount allotted annually to our tuition adjustment program. Each year we honor Ms. Arnold by using her endowment in support of eligible students. Financial assistance awards are based on a family’s economic needs, student eligibility and the family’s participation in the school

Legacy Giving

You can honor the Mount Madonna School founders and students now, and in the future when contributing your financial support to MMS. We are honored to be considered as a potential beneficiary, you gift will support our work to provide the highest caliber of education for MMS students. Legacy giving is a way of making a lasting contribution to Mount Madonna School. By including MMS in your financial planning, your gift can make a long-lasting impact on the school. The ideas outlined in this section are potential ways to provide long term and meaningful gifts to MMS.

Appreciated Securities

Gifts of appreciated securities can be one of the easiest and most advantageous ways of giving. If your gift of stock is one that you have owned for more than one year, you may deduct the full fair market value of the stock as a charitable contribution while bypassing all capital gains taxes. Consult your financial advisor or contact the Advancement Office for more information.


Bequests are a thoughtful, creative way to make gifts to MMS. After providing for your family, you can ask your attorney to include a gift to the school by specifying a dollar amount, property, or percentage of your estate in your will or living trust. Consult your attorney or financial advisor or contact the Advancement Office

Charitable Trusts

Charitable Trusts are mutually beneficial for both you and the school. By creating a “unitrust” or annuity trust you receive an income during your lifetime. By transferring a portion of your assets to a charitable organization, you may reduce your estate and consequently reduce your capital gains taxes on the assets while establishing a regular stream of income paid to you. Consult your attorney or financial advisor and contact the Advancement Office.

Life Insurance

The gift of life insurance is a very astute and generous way of giving. Mount Madonna School would need to be the owner and beneficiary of the policy. Ongoing premiums paid on a gifted life insurance policy may qualify for charitable deductions. Consult your financial advisor and contact the Advancement Office.

Retirement Accounts

Naming Mount Madonna School as a primary or contingent beneficiary on a retirement account is an easy way to make a planned gift to the school.  A simple beneficiary designation form or online designation is generally all it takes to include the school in your estate plans utilizing one or more of your retirement accounts.  Consult your attorney or financial advisor or contact the Advancement Office.

It is important to seek advice from your legal and tax advisors when pursuing any of these plans.  The above information is not intended as legal, accounting or other professional advice.


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