Senior Spotlight: Maverick Bettencourt

Name, age, grade, city of residence

Maverick Bettencourt, 18, 12th grade, Santa Cruz 

Grade you started at MMS

Ninth grade 

What inspires you?

Our class trip to South Africa was the most inspiring thing I’ve ever experienced in my life. To learn how other cultures operate is eye-opening. I was inspired on that trip to be a better person and I continue to be inspired by that trip everyday. 

What is your favorite subject in school, and why?

I would say my favorite school subject is Values in World Thought. I might not show that I love it so much, but it’s actually pretty interesting to discuss big questions. The class has brought me to new places and it has opened my eyes to many things.

If you had the power to change one thing in the world, what would it be?

 If I could change one thing in the world it would be extinction. It’s very sad to see species go extinct and leave our ecosystem forever.

What is your dream job and why?

I would love to be a chef and have my own restaurant. I would also love to be an architect and create houses around the world. 

What are your three favorite things? 

That’s easy:  friends, family, and traveling. 

Favorite book:

My favorite book is “Born a Crime” by Trevor Noah

What do you want to do after high school?

Right now I’m going to go to Cabrillo College for my first two years, although I don’t know if college is the right thing for me right now.  I’m going just because everyone else is going and I would like to find where I belong. I am a very social person and I learn best by doing. 

Something that makes you smile:

My favorite thing to do is to give back. I love giving to people and seeing the smile on the face. I wish I could do that every day.

A favorite MMS memory – and why?

My favorite MMS memory besides South Africa would probably be the rafting trip. I love starting the year off bonding with friends you haven’t seen over the summer and coming back sharing your stories. It is also fun to throw each other in the water. 

Who inspires you and why?

The most inspiring teacher at MMS has to be Harjit Punj.  He is always happy and never sad. He wakes up at 4 a.m. just so he can prepare for our classes and make it easier for us to learn.


Alumnus Samith Lakka (’19) interviewed Maverick for this spotlight feature. 

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