Senior Spotlight: Given Reyhani

Name, age, grade, city of residence

Robey Given Reyhani, 18, 12th grade, Aptos

Grade you started at MMS

Fourth grade

What inspires you?

Music and art

What is your favorite subject in school, and why?

Art, because I enjoy drawing and it is something that I am passionate about.

If you had the power to change one thing in the world, what would it be?

Getting rid of COVID-19.

What is your dream job and why?

To be an artist in the musical field.  Music is my passion and I want to do it for a living.

What are your three favorite things? 

  • Music
  • Video games
  • Hanging out with friends

Favorite book:

I love books about drawing.

What do you want to do after high school?

I want to study music, and begin my career in it.

Something that makes you smile:

A camera or hanging out with friends and having a good time.

A favorite MMS memory – and why?

Our class trip to South Africa because I learned a lot from that trip, and it was a large part of my experience at Mount Madonna.

Who inspires you and why?

I am inspired by artists that make music I like, such as Tyler, The Creator or Radiohead.


Alumnus Samith Lakka (’19) interviewed Given for this spotlight feature.

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