AnMei Dasbach Prisk

Senior Spotlight: AnMei Dasbach-Prisk

Name, age, grade, city of residence

AnMei Dasbach-Prisk, 18 years old, 12th grade, Watsonville

Grade you started at MMS


What inspires you? 

I’m inspired by people who are authentic and aren’t afraid to speak their mind.

What is your favorite subject in school, and why? 

Even though I didn’t take Spanish this year, I still consider it to be one of my favorite subjects. I enjoy learning new languages, it opens up your world!           

If you had the power to change one thing in the world, what would it be? 

Well, right now…COVID-19. But if not that, then I would like to make it so that all people in the world have access to the resources they need so they may live a good life. Water, food, shelter and a vaccine for COVID-19.

What is your dream job and why?

I have ideas about this, but a lot of these ideas are seemingly polar opposites of each other! I most often fluctuate between being interested in business and international relations. I’ve also always liked the idea of working for Google in some capacity. There’s always room to change, and my priorities are always changing, so we’ll see; ask me this again in ten years.

What are your three favorite things? 

My favorite things are always changing, but especially so right now given our current circumstances. In this snapshot of time, in the middle of quarantine, these are my three favorite things: going on walks, mochi ice cream (green tea and mango are my top flavors), and Facetiming with friends.

Favorite TV Show:

I have such a wide range of shows I watch! It depends on my mood, anywhere from Criminal Minds to anime. 

What do you want to do after high school?

I’m definitely going to pursue higher education in some capacity, but apart from that I also want to travel. I want to gain more life experience and see more of the world.

Something that makes you smile:

Funny Instagram and TikTok videos that my friends send me.

A favorite MMS memory – and why?

All my years of playing volleyball for MMS are among my favorite memories. And obviously winning State this year! Ending my final school season with my teammates and I accomplishing that was amazing. 

Who inspires you and why?

My volleyball teammates and my teachers. All of them are passionate and hardworking, and they inspire me to be the same. 


Alumna Alexis Julien (15) interviewed AnMei for this spotlight feature. 

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