Santa Cruz Sentinel: CCS boys volleyball: Mount Madonna Overcomes Hiccups, Monterey

Santa Cruz Sentinel, 5/9/2018, “CCS boys volleyball: Mount Madonna overcomes hiccups, Monterey,” by Julie Jag. Photos by Shmuel Thaler

WATSONVILLE >> Something has been off with the Mount Madonna School boys volleyball team lately. After a hot start and a stretch of a month in which they didn’t drop a set, coach PK McDonald said he has noticed a few hiccups in his Hawks’ play as they headed toward the Central Coast Section playoffs.

Those troubles didn’t go away Tuesday night, when the No. 2 Hawks hosted No. 7 Monterey in the first round of the CCS Division III playoffs. Yet either galvanized after dropping the first set or faced with a limping opponent after the Toreadores’ main weapon left with an injury — or a little of both — Mount Madonna survived to play another match. Read more



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