Kamla Bahsin

Remembering Kamla Bhasin

We were saddened to learn that Kamla Bhasin, a human being of kindness and courage, passed away on September 25. Bhasin, an Indian developmental feminist, poet, author and social scientist, was a great champion for love, equality, equity and the environment. MMS high school students interviewed her in-person during a learning journey to India in 2019, and more recently, via Zoom, during the spring 2021 Ashakiran Project.

“I was deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Kamla Bhasin,” commented Director of Upper School Shannon Kelly, who teaches the Values in World Thought class.  “I met her for the first time in 2019, when she invited our students into her home to interview her. Her vulnerability, kindness, and sincere interest in connecting with the MMS students left a lasting impression on me. Her ability to take the suffering she experienced and create positive change that has impacted so many people, is truly inspiring.”


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