Parent Role in Performing Arts

The Performing Arts Program at Mount Madonna school is a major part of our curriculum.

For the high school production to be a success, all parents and guardians are asked to participate in some way.

Each area will have a coordinator who will contact parents helping in their area with the details of what is needed and scheduling. If you have any questions regarding participation, please contact Wendy or Anurag at 408-847-2717.

The objectives and guidelines from the Performing Arts Team have been distributed to the students. What we hope to address here are the effects, needs and expectations that parents can look forward to regarding the Middle School production in December and the High School production in January.

Both productions will be held in the gym. For those of you who have participated in this grand transition before, you know the challenge of the conversion, from athletic use to a theater. Our objective is to give as much gym use time as possible to our Athletic and PE Departments and also provide enough time for the students to rehearse in the ‘theater’ environment and be ready for their performances.

In order to achieve this goal we need all parents of middle and high school students to participate in the process. Some parents are able to offer help much more than others, and we so appreciate there are a number of parents that are able to do so. Other parents have very full work schedules and are limited as to how much they can help.

There are many avenues open to help, from providing food to sell at concessions to building the stage. Outlined are brief descriptions of the various areas and a general timeline of how the gym/theater comes together.

Production Areas

Concessions (4 needed each performance)
Gather, (purchase or donated items – from commercial kitchens only), setup and sell concessions
Cleanup and breakdown at end of each show; full breakdown and put away after the Sunday performance.

Makeup (2 needed for tech dress rehearsal, 4 – 6 needed for preview & each performance)
Check-in w/Costumes as to style image wanted; check makeup supplies, purchase any needed items; setup ½ hr before cast call; breakdown, cleanup and put away after each show.

Hair (2 needed for tech dress rehearsal, 4 – 6 needed for preview & each performance)
Check-in w/Costumes as to style image wanted; check hair supplies, purchase any needed items; setup ½ hr before cast call; breakdown, cleanup and put away after each show.

Costumes & Supervision/Monitor (6 – 8 helpers needed pre-production; 2 helpers during each show)
The students have the responsibility for gathering and creating their costume. Helpers are needed to alter, fit and make adjustments to costumes and add/create accessories. See ‘Costumes’, page 3. During performances, monitor student behavior in the Costume Rooms; help direct students to ‘theatre’ when it is their time to be ‘on’; help maintain silence in the ‘hall’ that students go through in the gym.

Tickets/Seating (4 needed for each performance)
Ticket sales and preparation of tickets is done in the office. Helpers need to arrive for the Friday show by 5 pm to tag and setup the seats. Then setup the ticket table with 2 lines, one for reserved seats and one to purchase tickets; 2 people working at the table and 2 people to help seat or direct guests. Seats will need to be straightened and checked for seat identification at the following performances.

Props (1 needed for dress rehearsal, full run, preview and each performance)
Organize, arrange, handout props to the performers; help maintain silence back stage; check proper placement after each performance. Breakdown and put away after Sunday performance.

Cast Dinner (2 -4 needed)
Check-in with Anurag as to menu, nice to check with the students to see what ‘theme’ or type of vegetarian food they would like. Order, pickup, setup the dinner for the cast after the Sunday performance. Chaperone during and cleanup (welcome to have students help) at the end of the party.

Parking/Shuttling (2 – 4 needed each performance)
Drivers needed to shuttle guests from the parking area to theater from 6:15 pm – 7:30 pm and shuttle after the performance back to parking area, approximately 9:45 pm – 10:30 pm, for Friday and Saturday performances. On Sunday from 1 pm – 2:30 pm and back from 5 – 5:30 pm. Drivers willing to use their own van any of these times are also needed.

The Theater Conversion takes a combined effort of both the middle and high school parents. For instance if you are a builder and a high school parent, it would be the greatest help to us if you could volunteer to help during the building of the stage that occurs initially for the middle school play.

While all of the above may seem overwhelming at first, as we get into ‘production mode’ the fun really begins, and at the end of the play the reward for all of us is greater than words can express.

Thank you all for thinking about how you can plug in, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Once all parents have either selected areas or been placed in various areas and we have collate that information you will be contacted by area Coordinators to schedule your time.

Thank you,
Anurag White
Producer, Middle & High School Productions, Director of Operations, MMS
– (408) 847-2717 ext 229

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