NPR: “The New Abnormal”: Wildfires And Climate Change, a Conversation Featuring Noah Diffenbaugh (’92)

National Public Radio, 1A program, 11/13/2018, “‘The New Abnormal’: Wildfires And Climate Change.” MMS alumnus Noah Diffenbaugh (’92), climate scientist, Kara J Foundation Professor, Department of Earth System Science, Kimmelman Family Senior Fellow, Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University, was a guest for this podcast.

California is burning again. These latest wildfires are already the deadliest yet. And they continue to blaze.

Wildfires make headlines every few months. They’ve been called “the new normal.” But California Governor Jerry Brown isn’t having that. He says it’s “the new abnormal.”

To be clear, humans are part of this. The effects of climate change make conditions for wildfires worse. Read more

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