Performing Arts

Students Recognized in Santa Cruz Poetry Competition

The poetry of six Mount Madonna School students, Arianna Morell-Haltom, Kabir Ahluwalia, Kavi Duvvoori, Rami Walker, Renata Massion, and Sophie Kamkar, has been selected and included in the 19th annual Santa Cruz County High School Poetry Competition and Anthology. The public is invited to listen to student readings at an awards ceremony on Thursday, May 17 at  the Santa Cruz County Office of Education (400 Encinal St., Santa Cruz). The reception begins at 6:30pm, the readings start at 7:00pm.

Massion, a ninth grader, received a Second Prize award for her sestina, Insane .

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Students Participate in National Dance Week Performances

Mount Madonna School is fortunate to have many talented and graceful dancers among its student and faculty body. Last week, Dancer and dance teacher Lorraine Kinnamon and several students participated in “Santa Cruz Dancing in the Street” in downtown Santa Cruz as part of the local activities surrounding National Dance Week (April 21-27).

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With History, Art and Stories, Students Journey Through Japan

Graceful arched bridges, a three-headed dragon, samurai warriors, a family of mice, taiko drums, and stories of children’s everyday lives all have a role in Mount Madonna School’s (MMS) annual Cultural Awareness Performance on March 30. This popular event – which showcases elementary students’ dramatic talents and creativity– is the culmination of several months of focused study on a particular world culture: this year, the island nation of Japan.

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Students Prepare for Creative Writing Reading

By Melissa Sanders-Self, MMS High School English Teacher

“ Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.”
– Anton Chekov

The Mount Madonna School Creative Writing Reading is an annual event where students, faculty, parents and friends gather together to listen to our student writers read. This year we will gather on Friday, March 8 at 7:00pm to listen to open letters, villanelles, short stories, sestinas, sonnets, monologues, first person narratives and other inspired forms of writing.

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Ramayana Tech Week Schedule

Tech Week – A Letter From the Director

Dear Families,

As you may have noted, our schedule in the theatre is different this year for the Ramayana, particularly for our younger students. We thought there might be some value further explaining those changes.

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Ramayana Casting Reflections

-by the Directing Team: Sampad, Leah, and Mayana

With the audition process complete, it is appropriate to acknowledge the challenges of casting both for performers and directors. For some, this will not be a big issue, while others may experience disappointment. The key is finding a way to move forward positively. Most have heard the statement before- every role is pivotally important-and while a bit of a cliché, it is proven true.

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‘Golden’ Lesson Combines Math, Art and Literature

By Hema Walker

“Once upon a time…” may be an uncommon way to begin a mathematics lesson, yet in Mount Madonna School’s kindergarten where I teach, that is just how I present our “Golden Number Book” lessons. During the kindergarten year, each student will create their own counting journal, called a “Golden Number Book.” Every week the children add a new page to their book.

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