Performing Arts

Hands-On Literacy: Students Make Books

Colorful, handmade books, authored and illustrated by Mount Madonna School (MMS) students were on display earlier this month at the 31st annual Student Authors’ Fair at Capitola Mall in Capitola. The event featured hundreds of books created by students from throughout the area.
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Ramayana 2014 Cast List

CASTING REFLECTIONS – Congratulations to all for completing the audition process. You’ve done your part; hopefully you can acknowledge your growth and successes within the process. Now comes the next step- casting of the play. Casting is challenging for both performers and directors. For some, this will not be a big issue, while others may experience disappointment. The key is finding a way to move forward positively. Most have heard the statement before- every role is pivotally important-and while a bit of a clich’, it is proven true.

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