Performing Arts

Winter Concert Videos and Photos Available!

Kudos to our elementary teachers and students on a fabulous Winter Concert in December! Special appreciation to dance teacher Micha Scott for the lovely choreography, Elementary Music Director Sarojani Rohan for coodinating this annual concert, Anurag White and Monique Smith for office support, and to all who contributed to making this event possible. 
MMS parent Michael Don Carlos is makng his concert videos available for download. The link to his album* is:

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Student Spotlight: Rami Walker

-Name, age, grade, city of residence
Rami Walker, 18, senior, Watsonville
-What inspires you?
Being in nature, climbing things, and exploring. Also the type of feel good movies that make you want to live a better life.
-What is your favorite subject in school, and why?
have always been fascinated with biology.

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“Footloose” Coming Up this Weekend!

Tickets for the high school production of “Footloose” are on sale now and may be purchased in the school office or by calling 408-847-2717.

Performances are 7:00 pm Friday and Saturday, January 23 & 24 and 2:00 pm Sunday, January 25, at the Hawks Nest Theater on the MMS Lower Campus at 445 Summit Road.

Download flyer (pdf)

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The Gilroy Dispatch, Student of the Week: Sophia Saavedra

-Name, age, grade, city of residence
Sophia Saavedra, 15, junior, Gilroy
-What inspires you? 
My teachers inspire me on a daily basis because of their dedication to developing and supporting their students. I have been able to develop meaningful relationships with my teachers because of the small class sizes at my school.
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Student Spotlight: Lena Wiley

-Name, age, school, grade, city of residence
Lena Wiley, 17, Mount Madonna School, senior, Watsonville
-What inspires you? 
I am inspired by how vast the world is and how much is possible for me to do and see in it. The community also inspires me, along with the great things people have created and accomplished by working together.
-What is your favorite subject in school, and why?
Womens ‘Herstory,’ because we learn about women and the feminist movement throughout American history, and discuss prevalent current gender issues.
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