Performing Arts

Students Move Up in Piano Certificate of Merit Program

Congratulations to Mount Madonna School students Given Rehani, 7th, Riley Wagner, 6th, and Zach Wagner, 9th, who recently participated in the Certificate of Merit Program for pian, at the University of California, Santa Cruz. All three passed their level requirements: Given, level one, Riley, level five and Zach, level seven.

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Thinking About the Future: Parents Present Career Forum for Students

THANK YOU to everyone who made our Career Forum another great success! A special thank you goes to our Planning Committee and Participants for their invaluable contribution. It was fun, engaging and a wonderful learning experience. It takes a great amount of time and energy to plan and execute this wonderful event so please know that it is of great value to and appreciated by our student community.

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Finding Joy: High School Seniors Journey to India

O n March 27, sixteen Mount Madonna School (MMS) seniors departed on an adventure that will take them half way around the world to New Delhi, India. For the students it will be a significant journey to another culture, where they will experience a society that is far older and quite different from what they are used to: different in language, history, food, religion and social customs.

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Exploration and Learning: Students Share A ‘Journey Through Africa’

‘Passengers, please direct your attention out of the plane’s right side windows,’ said enthusiastic ‘flight attendant’ and Mount Madonna School (MMS) first grade teacher Cassia Laffin to her students. ‘In the distance, reaching 19,341 feet you can see Mount Kilimanjaro! And, over there, winding for thousands of miles, the remarkable Nile River!

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Gilroy Dispatch, Student of the Week: Imogen Cockrum

-Name, age, grade, school
Imogen Cockrum, 13, 8th grade, Mount Madonna School

-What inspires you?

I am inspired when older people and the elderly tell me stories of their younger lives. It reminds me that my present will soon be my past and it should be worth telling later on.

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