Middle School

Students Compete in Big Sur Marathon!

Congratulations Noah, David and Rowan!

Noah Limbach, David Broz and Rowan Limbach ran the Big Sur Marathon on Sunday, May 1 – with Noah home for less than 24 hours from India!

The boys set a goal of finishing in less than 4 and ½ hours – and they came in 12 seconds under!  All three finished with the exact same time, tying for 4th place out of 7 in their age category.

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MMS Elementary Spirit Week

Monday April 4th – PJ day
Tuesday April 5th – Wacky Dress Day
Wednesday April 6th – Hat Day
Thursday April 7th – Sports Day (favorite team OR in your favorite sport outfit)
Friday April 8th – Awesome/Crazy Hair while wearing Blue & White Day (wear your school spirit colors and rock some crazy hair)

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Ramayana Casting Reflections

With the Ramayana audition process completing, it is appropriate to acknowledge the challenges of casting both for performers and directors. For some, this will not be a big issue, while others may experience disappointment. The key is finding a way to move forward positively. Most of us have heard the statement before – every role is pivotally important – and while a bit of a cliché, it is proven true. Staring at the cast list, you will simply see a character title or group (like Demon Choir, Monkey or Demon) by your name. We may want to quickly categorize our roles as good or bad.

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Ramayana Audition Hints

Overall Approach to Auditions
  • Get to the HURRAY! Find ways to look forward to perform. Commitment, dedication and spark comes easier when we embrace opportunity-
  • Don’t go for getting the role; go for inhabiting character. For 90 seconds, live their life, think their thoughts, and move in their body. That’s exciting!
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