Middle School

Automated Messaging System

Emergency Power Announce Test:

Wed, Nov 18, the school will be testing our Power Announce system. Expect to receive a test message at your email, phone and text (if you have designated texting). There is no need to respond to the message or alert liaisons.

This is our procedure for letting everyone know when School Closure happens or emergencies. We call school for the following reasons:

  • Roads are closed
  • No electricity at MMS Lower Campus
  • Emergency services have designated hazardous road conditions and it is deemed dangerous for students and buses to drive to MMS 

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Transportation Procedures

Communication of Change in Transportation:
If you are changing your child’s transportation arrangements, please call our school office the day of the change and inform the receptionist or you can email . They, in turn, with notify the teacher and write a note for the bus monitor, so all are aware of the change.

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Santa Cruz Sentinel: MMS Coach/Alum Wins CBVA Mens’ AA Event

Santa Cruz Sentinel, 6/10/2012, “Local Roundup: Beach Volleyball.” Mount Madonna School mathematics teacher, coach and alum, Elliot ‘PK’ McDonald (’04), along with Ric Cervantes, won the mens’ California Beach Volleyball Association event held in Santa Cruz on June 9. Read more: http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/sports/ci_20828002/local-roundup-brautovich-wins-aptos-womens-5-miler

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Summit for the Planet Fundraising Celebration

On Tuesday May 29th, we will celebrate our fundraising efforts with an all-school Ice Cream Party! We are so thrilled and thankful to have reached our $20,000 school goal, and we want to congratulate all the students and their families who contributed to this success!

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Thanks for a Successful Play It Forward! Golf Tournament

We offer a big Thank You to Jen and Bart Meltzer (Ben, 2nd), for co-chairing the 4th Annual Play it Forward! Golf Tournament on Thursday, May 17, at DeLaveaga Golf Course. This gym fundraiser was a great success, thanks to the planning and hard work by Jen and Bart.

A special shout-out to Armand Nascimento (Nicole, 12th) and Robert Moreno (CeCe, 8th) for a delicious barbeque, and to Letty Bess (Courtney, 12th; Cameron, 8th), faculty member Matt Meachen and his mom, Sue Meachen, for their work before, during and after the tournament.

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MS and HS Boys Volleyball: Congratulations on Great Seasons!

Being part of a team requires dedication, regular practice, and a commitment to one’s teammates, coach, and self.

Throughout the athletic seasons at MMS, there is also a tremendous amount of team support from parents: helping with everything from carpooling and transportation, to feeding hungry players, doing admissions or book for home matches, or lending visible and vocal support as fans on the bleachers. Thank you parents – all of your help is greatly appreciated!

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