In the News

Students Participate in National Dance Week Performances

Mount Madonna School is fortunate to have many talented and graceful dancers among its student and faculty body. Last week, Dancer and dance teacher Lorraine Kinnamon and several students participated in “Santa Cruz Dancing in the Street” in downtown Santa Cruz as part of the local activities surrounding National Dance Week (April 21-27).

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Live to Grow: Students Plan Marine Science Trip to Catalina Island

Yoli Cueponi , or “live to grow” in the language of Catalina Island’s original human inhabitants, the Pimungan people, is a sentiment dear to the minds and hearts of 9th grade students at Mount Madonna School (MMS). It is also the name the class has given to their upcoming marine science learning journey to the popular island located off the southern California coast.

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Second Graders Seek Help for Shelter Animals

Recently Mount Madonna School’s (MMS) second grade students attended three classes through the “Growing Kinder” Humane Education Program of the Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter (SCCAS). The program is founded by Jen Walker, an experienced animal welfare advocate and humane education specialist. The first session began with Walker guiding the students on a behind-the-scenes tour at the animal shelter. For their next couple meetings, Walker offered lessons at MMS with her cat, Guido, and dog, Moon.

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Fifth Grades’ Owl Project Wins Top State Honors

“It is very important to learn how to save our ecosystems,” comments fifth grader Jules Barivan. And for the past several months, the class has been doing just that – engaging in extensive research, public speaking, local habitat restoration and community outreach and education, all as part of their project “Give A Hoot: It’s Foul to Hurt the Burrowing Owl.”

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Sixth Grader Wins Bid to California State Science Fair

Congratulations to inspired young scientists Lekha Duvvoori, Sara Bautista, and Addy Catterall-Pendleton, each of whom won awards in the recent Santa Cruz County Science Fair!

Sixth grader Lekha’s project, “I See What Eye See, Low Light Color Vision” won kudos and multiple awards in the Junior Division (6th-8th grade), including a nomination to the upcoming Broadcom MASTERS middle school science competition; and an invitation to participate the 61st annual California State Science Fair.

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Silicon Valley’s 2012 Women of Influence

Congratulations to Mount Madonna School parent Cindi Busenhart, CEO of action wear retailer, Sessions, for being named one of the Silicon Valley’s 2012 Women of Influence by the San Jose Business Journal.

Busenhart, one of a 100 women from the private, public and nonprofit sectors to receive the honor, will be recognized at an awards ceremony on April 26 in San Jose.

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Good Times: Pioneer Women

Congratulations to Mount Madonna School alumni parent Amy Colton (Aaron, ’08 and Lindsey, ’11), recently named by Good Times magazine as one of six local change-makers!

“Right up front it was easy to see that Amy Colton was an unlikely champion to take on Sacramento and our broken health system to fight for an important cause having to do with women’s health,” comments Ward ‘SN’ Mailliard, Mount Madonna School Values in World Thought  teacher and a longtime friend of Colton’s. “She did not like public speaking, or have any experience with politics, However the cause of making sure doctors who reviewed mammograms notified women that they have an additional risk factor for breast cancer was just too important for her to ignore. It was personal. Amy, a breast cancer survivor, became aware that her late diagnosis was due to the difficulty in spotting cancer in women who have dense breast tissue. Nobody seemed to care. The industry did not want to respond, so Amy, with no political experience, decided to get this issue noticed.”

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