In the News

Model U.N. Club Participates in Stanford University Assembly

The Mount Madonna School (MMS) Model United Nations (MUN) Club participated in its first meet of the 2012-2013 school year November 9-11 at Stanford University. The current student group is the largest and most participatory delegation MMS has had yet, with fifteen high school students, anchored by senior club mentor Kavi Duvvoori.  

“This was my fifth and final year in MUN,” notes Duvvoori. “I co-founded the club when I was in eighth grade with my friend Zach. I have managed it since then, with some parent support. I have represented all manner of countries and characters, with specialization in dictators and genocidal regimes, and was able to bring this trend to its culmination this year.

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Searching the Sand: Students Assist Researchers with Crab Count

On a recent sunny morning at Santa Cruz’s Natural Bridges State Beach, some 30 visitors to the beach were Mount Madonna School (MMS) students and parents taking part in LiMPETS (Long-term Monitoring Program and Experiential Training for Students), an environmental monitoring and education program that encourages participation by ‘citizen scientists.’

“I want the kids to see that they can do ‘real’ science,” says James “PD” Rohan, MMS middle school math and science teacher, “that they can contribute useful data and have fun doing it.” The event represented Mount Madonna’s third year participating in this long-term monitoring study (now in its tenth year). 

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Sophomore Wins Gold in Jiu-Jitsu Competition

Congratulations to Mount Madonna sophomore Carlo LeGan, whose Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu skills earned him first place gold in a 10-0 shut-out final match at the recent Rising Sun National Tournament in Daly City. This August 25 event marked Carlo’s fourth consecutive shut-out tournament (no points scored against him).

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Students to Dance in Summer Performances

Six Mount Madonna School students will perform as part of Steps Dance Studio’s summer recital series. The performances are planned for June 13-15 at the Henry Mello Center for the Performing Arts in Watsonville.

Show dancers will include: Mariska Goldstein (Pre), Summer Howley (2nd), Kayla Goldstein (2nd), Denali Spector (2nd), Brielle Goldstein (4th), and Cassie Caborn (9th).

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Students Recognized in Santa Cruz Poetry Competition

The poetry of six Mount Madonna School students, Arianna Morell-Haltom, Kabir Ahluwalia, Kavi Duvvoori, Rami Walker, Renata Massion, and Sophie Kamkar, has been selected and included in the 19th annual Santa Cruz County High School Poetry Competition and Anthology. The public is invited to listen to student readings at an awards ceremony on Thursday, May 17 at  the Santa Cruz County Office of Education (400 Encinal St., Santa Cruz). The reception begins at 6:30pm, the readings start at 7:00pm.

Massion, a ninth grader, received a Second Prize award for her sestina, Insane .

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