
5th Grades’ Marine Debris Project Draws National Attention

Written by Leigh Ann Clifton  
Monday, 24 May 2010

“Haven’t you always wanted to help save the planet?” asked 5th grader Nathan Vince. Vince’s comment came following a class beach cleanup in Santa Cruz last fall. The fifth grade had already selected coastal cleanup and the problem of marine debris as a focus of study… but had no idea that their efforts would launch them into the national spotlight!

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MMS: A Green School

Mount Madonna School has been a proud member of the Green Schools Program for several years. As a Green/Waste Free School, we are constantly looking for ways to reduce the amount of trash we generate as a school and instead reuse and recycle many of the items we use on campus every day. (Did you know that Santa Cruz County generates more than one million pounds of trash everyday?)

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A Parent’s Perspective of Ramayana

Sahana Lakka (SL) is the mother of three Mount Madonna School students who have performed in the Ramayana for many years – since preschool! Sahana and her family have strong ties with India and visit their family there each year.

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A Student’s Perspective

My American Ramayana Experience

By Jasbir Nijor

The play is about to start, and the only thing I can think about is why the costume lady tied my bells so tight. They’re cutting off the circulation in my ankles, but the feeling of pride and honor in being one of the lucky few to wear these bells outweighs the pain. 

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