
Hands-on History: 3rd and 4th Graders Travel to Sacramento

Prior to the arrival of the first Europeans, California’s indigenous population included more than 150 tribal groups comprised of some half a million people. This is just one historical fact Mount Madonna School (MMS) 3rd and 4th graders will learn about when they visit the California State Indian Museum this week.

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Drive for Schools 2011

Drive for Schools

To raise funds for construction of our new multipurpose gymnasium, Mount Madonna School participated in Drive for Schools! ALL stubs, money, and unsold tickets were due back by Thursday, October 13th. The auto/cash drawing took place on Sunday, October 23rd at 1:00pm at the Capitola Auto Mall (Toyota). You do not need to be present to win. LIST OF WINNERS

THANK YOU to families and students for your support of the Drive for Schools ticket sales.  We raised $8,519 for our Capital Campaign.

The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade classes sold the most tickets and they will celebrate with pizza lunch parties!

Congratulations to our top individual fundraisers who will receive gift certificates as a thank you for their outstanding efforts:

  • Alyssa Feskanin (9th gr) – 102 tickets! WOW!!!
  • Noah Tervalon (4th gr) – 72 tickets!
  • Isabella Cambell (1st gr) – 70 tickets! 
  • Savannah Cambell (3rd gr) – 61 tickets! 
  • Benjamin Pearson (2nd gr) – 61 tickets!

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Summertime Play and the Phenology of Learning

Reflections from Summer
by Supriya Mary McDonald

Summertime is space for growth, renewal and adventure in my household. Having been in education now for over 36 years as an adult and 15 years as a student and daughter of a teacher, my internal time clock has always been in rhythm with the cycle of school life. Fall was the time for new beginnings, filled with excitement and curiosity; Winter, a time for study and indoor wonderings and experiments; Spring, the time for applying new knowledge, tracking progress and performance and finally Summer, the time for unscheduled play, learning and adventure. I am often surprised by the amount of growth that happens in our students over the down time of Summer. For me, summer camping, hiking and being in the outdoor environment, contains the nourishment and connection I need to broaden my perspective of the whole.

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‘Kelp the Otters’: Elementary Students Create Educational DVD to Raise Awareness About Sea Otters

‘Kelp The Otters’ is more than a clever play on words…it a plea that Mount Madonna School’s 5th grade students have taken to heart – and are encouraging the public to join in. Their goal is to educate people about the plight of the California Sea Otter, which is identified by scientists as a keystone species. Keystone species play a critical role in maintaining the healthy structure of their environment, in this case, the ocean habitat.

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