
Want to Ride? Consider Joining the New Mountain Biking Club!

Like to mountain bike? Want to get fit and have fun with classmates and other school parents? 

Mount Madonna School (MMS) fifth through twelfth grade students, parents and guardians are invited to come join a new Mountain Biking Club. 

Bike club riders will meet at 3:30 on Wednesdays and Fridays at the MMS Upper Campus entrance/parking lot.

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Drive for Schools Fundraiser!

Thank you!

THANK YOU to everyone who chose to support your school through the Drive for Schools fundraiser. It is an important one in that it allows all of us to reach outside our own pocketbooks to friends, relatives, neighbors, and business associates. Along this line, thank you to Jessica Cambell for setting up the ticket sales opportunity at Deluxe Foods in Aptos.

Drive for Schools raised $13,755 for our annual and capital funds, which, unfortunately, was quite a bit short of the $20,000 goal. We will need to make up this shortfall in our other fundraising efforts this year.

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Welcome New Faculty!

Five enthusiastic teachers have joined the faculty at Mount Madonna School (MMS) this year. Ashley England, Brian Darsie, Kelly Cox,

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On the Road to Kindness – A Fall Welcome to Our Families from Supriya

Reentry to school or work after vacation often brings new vision and fresh perspective. The down time of summer revitalizes adults and children alike. Greeting the youngsters on Day One is one of my favorite moments of the school year. Students return with taller bodies, longer or shorter hair, huge smiles (sometimes with new front teeth) and jump off the bus looking for faces both familiar and new at the bus stop.

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