
MMS HS Classes Now Using Google Classroom

We’re excited to announce a new tool we’re trying out this year called Google Classroom.  It’s linked to our school’s Google Apps for Education account and provides our teachers with the ability to assign, review, comment on, and grade homework digitally.  There are a number of teachers who are experimenting with using it as a tool this year to improve their management of submitted work, collaboration, and increase the speed with which they can return work to the students

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Fighting Hunger: Second Grade Leads Food Drive Effort at MMS

For the fifth consecutive year, the Mount Madonna School (MMS) second grade class is leading a community social service effort at MMS, to collect donations of canned, boxed and packaged dried food for the Grind Out Hunger Program and Second Harvest Food Bank. This year, partnering with their 4th and 11th grade buddies, the students set a goal of collecting enough donated food to provide 700 meals.
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Creative Engineering: The Factory at MMS

The Factory at Mount Madonna School (MMS) is a recently re-designated classroom space on the upper campus that students are utilizing for an array of creative projects. Resources include a state-of-the-art 3D printer, Arduino input/output sensors, LilyPad sewable circuits, a full complement of Snap Circuits education kits, soldering irons, ample motors, LEDs, switches and power supplies. There is enough space for up to three classes at a time to store ongoing engineering projects.
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