
Fifth Grade Presents to Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council

Today the fifth grade class presented to the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council. They asked the council to consider changing the current “recommendation” of a 50-yard boating distance from whales in the Monterey Bay to a 100-yard law. Students were well-spoken, educated and mature! Great job!
“The students’ presentation to members of the Council went really well,” commented fifth grade teacher and project co-leader Jessica Cambell.

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MMS Rocks!

Pre/K and second grade buddies enjoy hiking forest and meadow trails around campus. Together students explore nature, learn about ecology and build friendships!


Photos by Jenni Leach


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December 2014 Alumni Luncheon

At the December Alumni & Senior Luncheon, MMS was grateful to welcome a great gathering of alumni from across the ages. Thanks to all who were able to come and share MMS and Ramayana memories, and also make contributions to the discussion around senior year at MMS. 
— Photos by Devin Kumar ’06
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Ocean of Stars: MMS Fifth Grader Enters Artwork in Competition

Mount Madonna School fifth grader Simone McIntyre has entered her mixed-media work, The Ocean of Stars , in an art contest organized by the California Coastal Commission. 
In a statement that accompanied her work for the contest, Simone shared:
‘ The Ocean of Stars is made of a paper sky and a painted ocean with sparkly stars and shells washed up from the sea.

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Mount Madonna Fifth Grader Competes in Divisional Climbing Competition

Kudos to Mount Madonna School fifth grader Ben Pearson, who competed in the American Bouldering Series (ABS) divisional climbing competition in Reno, NV on January 10. He competed against boys between the ages of 8 and 11 in the Youth-D category from Division 1 which incorporates northern California, Washington, Alaska, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, western North Dakota, and western South Dakota.
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Winter Concert Videos and Photos Available!

Kudos to our elementary teachers and students on a fabulous Winter Concert in December! Special appreciation to dance teacher Micha Scott for the lovely choreography, Elementary Music Director Sarojani Rohan for coodinating this annual concert, Anurag White and Monique Smith for office support, and to all who contributed to making this event possible. 
MMS parent Michael Don Carlos is makng his concert videos available for download. The link to his album* is: http://vimeo.com/album/2611641

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