5th Grade Environmental Project

Giving A Hoot: Fifth Grade’s Owl Project Wins National Award!

Hoots and hollers – and animated screams of joy echoed throughout the gymnasium one recent afternoon, following fifth grade teacher Jessica Cambell’s announcement to her students that their environmental project was a national winner. “Give A Hoot: It’s Foul to Hurt the Burrowing Owl,” has won the elementary school Grand Prize in the 2012 Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge!

“Ring, ring,” Cambell said, grinning at her students and holding her hand up to her ear like a telephone, “It’s Siemens calling and you’ve won first in the nation!”

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Fifth Grades’ Owl Project Wins Top State Honors

“It is very important to learn how to save our ecosystems,” comments fifth grader Jules Barivan. And for the past several months, the class has been doing just that – engaging in extensive research, public speaking, local habitat restoration and community outreach and education, all as part of their project “Give A Hoot: It’s Foul to Hurt the Burrowing Owl.”

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Giving A Hoot: Students Rally to Protect Burrowing Owl

What: Presentation and DVD screening on the Western Burrowing Owl, subject of Mount Madonna School’s 5th Grade Class current environmental project.

When: Wednesday, January 18, 6:30pm – 8:30pm. Reservation requested; contact Kathy Fieberling at (831) 345-1226 or

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5th Grades’ Marine Debris Project Draws National Attention

Written by Leigh Ann Clifton  
Monday, 24 May 2010

“Haven’t you always wanted to help save the planet?” asked 5th grader Nathan Vince. Vince’s comment came following a class beach cleanup in Santa Cruz last fall. The fifth grade had already selected coastal cleanup and the problem of marine debris as a focus of study… but had no idea that their efforts would launch them into the national spotlight!

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