Endangered Blue Whales

Morgan Hill Life, Community Voices: Mt. Madonna Students’ Project Aims to Save Endangered Blue Whales

Morgan Hill Life, May 15, 2021, “Community Voices by four children: Mt. Madonna students’ project aims to save endangered blue whales,” by Mount Madonna School fifth graders Deja Orozco, Minami Wu, Rory Kayne and Sera Krawetz.

Majestic blue whales are found throughout the world’s oceans — and yet there are only some 25,000 left in the world. If people aren’t more aware, then they can’t care. If they don’t care, then these ocean giants may be gone before we even grow up.

Our Mount Madonna School fifth grade class is working to bring awareness about this endangered marine mammal in hopes it will inspire others to take action to protect it. We have dedicated many months of work to our project. We wrote research reports and made slideshows to teach each other about the blue whales, their habitat and threats.

We made a plan of how to help whales. We created a company and called it People of the Rockin’ Whale. We decided to make a movie to teach people about whales and how our every-day actions can help whales and the oceans. We can save them by simple, everyday choices such as using less plastic or knowing how your seafood is caught. Each and every action we all make can make a difference. Read more

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