MMS Juniors Venture to South Africa in June 2013

 The African word “Sawubona” means “I see you.” Like the Mount Madonna School Class of 2012 did before them, the current juniors chose this name to represent their upcoming trip to South Africa in June 2013. This unusual learning journey will be about seeing and gaining a new understanding of people in a part of the world that is far different from the one in which we live. Early next summer, sixteen students from the MMS “Values in World Thought” program will leave for Cape Town, which is the first stop on this journey of a lifetime.

Students will be fundraising to raise funds to help cover travel costs (the majority of the trip expenses are included in tuition) and also to make donations to organizations who they will contact when they visit the country. These worthy organizations include:

  • Botshabelo Children’s Aids Project near Johannesburg
  • Philani Child Nutrition Project near Cape Town
  • Tembisa Tswelopele Performing Artists, Tembisa
  • Wynberg High Dancers, Cape Town

This learning journey would not be possible without the enormous support of our parents, extended families and our greater community. Thanks, in advance, for your attention to this worthy endeavor!

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