Middle School Annual Start-of-School Camping Trip: September 2017


We are in the planning phase of our annual beginning-of-the-school-year field trip. This year the Middle School will be going to Big Basin Redwoods State Park.

The 8th graders will be going on a separate backpacking trip for two days and two overnights, which means they will need a sturdy backpack with a waist belt large enough for all the items they need to pack. Parents: if your child packs on his/her own, please review all that is packed against the list below. Each one of these items is very important. Eighth graders will all be taking food with them as well, distributed to the group on the morning of the backpacking trip. It is very important that these students are comfortable with their fully loaded pack. They should wear it around for a few hours at home to make any adjustments so it is comfortable, and to reconsider whether those “extra” items are necessary. VERY IMPORTANT: If they have new hiking shoes or boots, please allow a break-in period during the summer!

The whole middle school will be traveling together, leaving MMS on Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2017. Students who normally ride the bus will do so – with all of their baggage – to school Tuesday morning. Please unload baggage at the bus turnaround in the designated middle school baggage area. We will have a short orientation in the Library at 9:00 am and will then meet at the bus turn-around at 10:30 am.

No electronic devices will be allowed on the trip, with the exception of cameras. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT THE STUDENTS LEAVE THEIR DEVICES AT HOME FOR SAFEKEEPING. If they bring devices to school, the items will be collected at the park and stored safely for the duration of the trip.

Review the Clothing and Equipment List carefully.

Please pack things small and tight for easy transport. Pack a lunch for Tuesday only.

Return: We will leave the camping area at noon on Friday, September 8 and we expect to return to MMS between 2:30 pm and 3:00 pm. Parents, you may pick up your children at the Middle/High campus at that time or students may ride the bus home at 3:30 pm, in which case students should also be prepared to help clean up the bus. Students may also get off at the Safeway bus stop in Watsonville at approx. 2:00 pm, where you would need to pick them up. Please indicate your choice of options on the Permission Slip.

In order for your child to go on the trip we will need to have the following information on file in the office by August 3, 2017:

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