Middle and High School Casting and Costume News

Casting NewsWith auditions complete, it is appropriate to first acknowledge the great investment, risk taking, expansion, and growth of so many of you that engaged in the process. As directors, we are moved and inspired by your efforts. Now comes the next phase, directors casting the play and you the performers awaiting the news of your roles. The cast list and costumes descriptions for Pirates of Penzance  are posted. The Into the Woods cast list is posted, and costume descriptions will be available by Saturday, October 14.

It is very important all cast members download your costume requirements as we are depending on you to gather some materials. Questions or help, contact Girija and Kat. Their contact information will be on the packets.

In terms of roles, for some, casting will not be a big issue, while others may experience disappointment. Not getting what we want is unfortunately a part of life. The key is finding a way to move forward positively. Most of us have heard the statement before– every role is pivotally important–and while a bit of a cliché, it is proven true. Staring at the cast list, you simply see a character name or title by yours. We may want to quickly categorize our roles as good or bad. Mostly, the criteria seems to concern line or song load, as well as preconceptions about stage time or importance within the play.

To be honest, our versions of the plays will be different from those experienced elsewhere. As we know, some line and song assignments will be tweaked from the original script; this is especially true for Pirates. We will be doing a major script makeover. Therefore, avoid highlighting lines or lyrics just yet. More importantly, who these characters are, what they do, what dreams and conflicts they experience will be discovered in the journey of rehearsal. Usually our roles are much more than anticipated.

Let us refrain, then, from attacking the process, fellow actors or the directors personally in whispered corners, social media or by direct angry email. Instead, trust yourself, the process, and the directors; embrace your character and enjoy the creative exploration.  A positive attitude not only builds community, but also enables expansion of our own talents because we are willing to invest of ourselves.

Friends and families can help greatly by encouraging acceptance, discovery and openness to what is new. Congratulations to all for your dedicated efforts and tremendous investment. Our first rehearsal is on Wednesday, 10/12. Bring your binder and script, a pencil and an openness and curiosity. Let the plays begin!

The Directing Team,

Sampad, Brian, Sinead


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