Alumni News: Lookout Santa Cruz: UCSC’s Marm Kilpatrick Fights Spread of Pandemic Misinformation

Lookout Santa Cruz, “21 for ’21: UCSC’s Marm Kilpatrick fights spread of pandemic misinformation,” by Nick Ibarra. A profile on the recent work of Mount Madonna School alumnus A. Marm Kilpatrick (’90). 

As COVID-19 began spreading across the U.S. early this year, infectious disease expert Marm Kilpatrick had a realization.

The only epidemiologist at UC Santa Cruz, he’d been painstakingly digesting a firehose of research emerging on the virus. After a colleague pointed out that expertise was suddenly in high demand, he decided to do what he could to help.

So he emailed local health officials to ask if they needed a hand sorting through the science (many took him up). Read more


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