Introducing the SDGs at Mount Madonna School

SDG promotionMount Madonna School is in the business of growing action-oriented global citizens, fostering in our students a deep sense of stewardship for our planet and a commitment to our local and global community. This year we will be working to align our school’s longstanding, impactful work on global citizenship and stewardship to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These 17 goals make up the world’s largest to-do list. Unanimously adopted in 2015 by all member states of the United Nations, these goals are a blueprint to guide nations in developing sustainable and just societies, exactly the kind of work Mount Madonna School has been doing since its inception.

SDG promotion
We invite you to visit our MMS SDG in Action website where we share curricular and extra-curricular lessons, projects and activities that align with the SDGs. We will also be sharing resources on specific SDGs and ways you can engage your child on education for sustainable development.

We are very excited to be launching this initiative and look forward to sharing this with our school community.

Upcoming Events: