
Our athletic program offers an exceptional volleyball program for boys and girls in the Santa Cruz Coast Athletic League (SCCAL). Our girls’ varsity team has won multiple CCS titles as well as the Nor Cal Championship and Division V State Championship. Our boys volleyball team has taken both SCCAL and CCS titles.

We have a cross country team open to both boys and girls. Students run routes on our extensive network of trails and elsewhere around the county and participate in local running events.

In addition to cross country, we have a varsity boys and girls track and field team competing in the Santa Cruz Coast Athletic League (SCCAL).

The 2018-19 season also brought to fruition both a basketball and wrestling program we hope to continue to grow in the future.

We believe competitive athletics, for those who choose to participate, provides opportunities for team building, healthy competition, learning about winning and losing, and meeting new situations with enthusiasm.

As in most school activities, almost every member of the high school competes on one of these teams. We also have a physical education program that insures each student will develop an appreciation for physical fitness. Many of our students also participate in other programs outside of school such as dance or community-based sports teams.

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