golden temple

Learning Journeys

Learning Through Travel
As part of our Social Studies program our older elementary grades take overnight trips to visit places such as the Montara Lighthouse, Sierra Outdoor School, and Sacramento, a multi-night backpacking trip, as well as day trips for special events and units of study.

— Find out more about the Elementary Learning Journeys.

Each year middle school students start the term with a camping trip. During this time eighth graders take a backpacking trip. Traveling together, making use of community resources, and exposing the students to a variety of new environments is all part of bringing the learning experience into the community setting. To compliment the history program, our eighth graders travel to Boston.

— Find out more about the Middle School Learning Journeys.

One of our major travel programs is conducted as part of the Values in American/World Thought curriculum taught in the junior and senior years. Our students travel to meet and interview important thinkers and leaders in our culture. The preparation and cooperation required for such activities provide an opportunity for the students to learn and practice important life skills. More importantly the students learn directly from those who are already living lives of meaning and purpose. The values conveyed by those who are dedicating their lives in service inspire the students to imagine broader possibilities for their own lives.

As part of our science curriculum, our tenth grade students study on Catalina each year.

— Find out more about the High School Learning Journeys.

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