It was great to see the creativity and flair of the many students, parents and faculty who came decked out in costumes, makeup and “special effects” for today’s elementary school Halloween parade! From happy animals and superheroes, to wild characters and lovely beings – the community displayed a lot of imagination and spirit!
It was a special treat to have several of our current seniors – graduates of our Pre/K program – on stage with our current preschool and kindergarten students!
This week middle and high school students were busy making traditional sugar skulls for the Dia de los Muertos or Day of the Dead altar in the Spanish classroom; and yesterday, sixth through eleventh grade students were treated to a special screening of “the Book of Life.” The film is a new animated feature that explores Mexican folklore and Day of the Dead stories.
Thank you to all who came for being part of our celebration – and wishing you and your family a safe and happy Halloween!
Photos by Lynda Will, Sarojani Rohan, Harrington family and Leigh Ann Clifton