Congratulations to the Cast of ‘Alice in Wonderland, Jr.’

Congratulations to the Cast of “Alice in Wonderland, Jr.” It was a delightful, fun-filled show! Thank you to the great Performing Arts team who led the way and brought out your special talents. Sampad Kachuck, Mayana Lisboa, Leah Parker, Girija Beavers, Erika Rosendale (’05) and Dennis Randolph ~ great job!

Kudos to Dave Yannone, awesome set! New staff members John Cody and Jim Saunders – thank you for your willingness to learn and help with the stage/set build and gym conversion. We appreciate your ability to do whatever is needed. Thank you to veteran Chuck Schuessler, leading the way throughout the build and conversion process.

Thank you to parents Danelle Rienks and Anthony Alfaro, who are new to the MMS Performing Arts process. They stepped up in a huge way gathering, creating and organizing the many, many props needed for this elaborate production.

We so appreciate the parents who come back each year and coordinate areas: Marie Mayou, Jenny Turner, Ardis Baylor and Leigh Ann Clifton, without your dedication and dependability the show would not go on!

Without the help and support of those in the office: Monique Smith, Danielle Singh (who also took on coordinating Makeup this year), Komala Correos and Pamela Blunden, all would not have come together. Thank you to Yamuna Fernandez for coordinating all the various transportation needs for rehearsals as well as performances.

Special thanks to Matt Ward, for facilitating the purchase of new power speakers that will be used for many events in the future. We appreciate your time, energy and ability to add to our Performing Arts program and giving us such a savings. Thank you to alum, Ian Rusconi (’06), for setting up and running the sound for the show.

And to all Middle School parents who contributed wherever help was needed, from costuming, taking tickets, serving dinner for the cast, donating concessions, and last but not least to breaking down and cleanup after the show ~ thank you!

Special thank you to volunteer parent, Maureen Pramanik, who took wonderful photos, (you will find the link in this weeks enews). And to Devin Bhattacharya (’06) for taping the production and producing the DVD.

It truly takes a community to support and enrich the lives of our students!

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