Class of ’24 Senior Spotlight: Beatrice Miller

Name, city of residence:

Beatrice Miller, San Juan Bautista

Grade you started at Mount Madonna School:

Eighth grade

What inspires you?

The many powerful, driven, and creative women in my life! My mother, Jameelah Johnson, Sara Sobkoviak, I can’t think of just one person, but there’s a whole team of support and love I get from the role models around me.

What is your favorite subject in school, and why? 

When I was in ninth grade I discovered I loved learning about the world and its systems. My English teacher created an exhilarating curriculum that covered different cultures and their religions, and we read so many books ranging from “The Epic of Gilgamesh” to the “Odyssey.” He taught us how our world is deeply connected even though humans live separated lives. It showed me there was a lot I didn’t know. Now as a senior, taking Values 12: Self and Society, I am once again involved in what I am most passionate about. I am so happy I had the opportunity to travel to India, and to get involved in discussions about ethics and morality. These subjects drive me to understand our world more, especially culture and religion, which is something that so often divides us.

If you had the power to change one thing in the world, what would it be? 

Currently, I would call for an immediate ceasefire in the Israel – Hamas war. It’s devastating to know innocent lives are being lost, and so much destruction is happening every day. I would ask for the same in Ukraine and Russia, in the Congo, in Haiti. I believe war is futile and I hate how we often result to annihilation. There is no right answer, but I wish it didn’t involve hate and anger.

If you could go anywhere, where would you go, and why would you choose that

I would go to Haiti and spend time with my family. I have never been to Haiti, nor is it currently possible, so I hope one day I can.

Name one big challenge in your life right now:        

Nothing too big every day I have little challenges, but in the grand scheme of things I am okay. I’ve always been very flexible, so I realize I need to let things go more often than I should hold on.

What is your dream job and why?

President. Someone mentioned it to me once, as a joke. It stuck.

What are your three favorite things? 

My family, my boyfriend and the ability to travel

Favorite book: 

“Binti” by Nnedi Okorafor. It’s a unique story I was able to relate to.

What do you want to do after high school? 

I want to go to college, get my degree and graduate. I’d like to do something impactful with my education and travel if I can.

Something that you are proud of – and why:

I am proud of my perseverance, my drive to succeed and make others happy. These are my favorite skills because I can use them in everything I do. Self-care is very important to me, but beyond that being kind to other people is equally as essential.

Something that makes you smile:

Seeing art, my close family and friends

A favorite Mount Madonna School (MMS) memory:

Driving up to school this year. I have never appreciated the drive to school as much as I do currently, since I drive myself now. I’m very grateful for the nature and scenery I am surrounded by – when it’s raining and the trees gets green, or in summer when the wind is warm. Even the view from the road is magical.

Top three most played songs on your favorite playlist: 

“Girl” by Beck, “MUST BE” by Lou Phelps and “Monks” by Frank Ocean

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