2024-25 Tuition and Fee Schedule

New Students

Application Fee: $100 (non-refundable)

Enrollment Fee and Tuition Deposit: (non-refundable)

  • Preschool, Kindergarten, Elementary School (1-5): $1,526

    [Enrollment fee $640; Tuition deposit $886]
  • Middle School (6-8) and High School (9-12): $1,841

    [Enrollment fee $661; Tuition deposit $1,180]

Tuition includes most activities and field trips:

Flexible Tuition Range
Preschool 3 days  $8,277 – $15,049
Pre/K 4 days $9,693 – $18,289
Pre/K Full time (5 days) $10,572 – $21,144
1st-5th Grades
Flexible Tuition Range
Grades 1-2 $10,572 – $21,144
Grades 3-5 $10,908 – $21,815
6th-12th Grades
Flexible Tuition Range
Grades 6-7 $13,923 – $27,057
Grades 8-10 $15,673 – $28,888
Grades 11-12 $18,382 – $33,164

Middle/High Textbook Refundable Deposit: $275

Tuition Refund Plan

The Tuition Refund Plan is important for Mount Madonna School and its families. MMS requires full payment for the academic year after August 26, 2024 and will make no adjustment of fees for absences, withdrawal or dismissal. Therefore, we are pleased to be able to help protect families’ financial investment with the Tuition Refund Plan.

This Plan, offered by A.W.G. Dewar’s, provides an allowance of tuition fees in the event of withdrawal of a student, for any reason, or dismissal by the School. The Tuition Refund Plan becomes effective on August 1, 2024 if a student is unable to attend school due to a covered medical reason. The non-medical coverage, which covers voluntary withdrawals and dismissals, becomes effective after the student attends 14 consecutive calendar days beginning with the student’s first day in the academic year.

The cost is 2.2% of the annual tuition fee for the 2024-25 school year. Parents who do not pay the total annual fees by August 26, 2024 must participate in the Tuition Refund Plan or present evidence of comparable insurance coverage. Participation is optional, but recommended, for those who pay the total annual fees by August 26, 2024. Because we do not give refunds for unused tuition, we recommend all parents participate in this Tuition Refund Plan.

Annual Bus Fees

Transportation available to the following locations: 1-2 Days 3 Days 4-5 Days
Watsonville / Santa Cruz Side
Holohan Road/Valley Catholic Church $1,843 $2,563 $2,871
Airport & Freedom Blvds. /VFW $1,843 $2,563 $2,871
Aladdin Nursery/5-Mile House $1,843 $2,563 $2,871
Aptos Natural Foods/Aptos Library $2,017 $2,838 $3,130
Sunnyside Produce/Michaels on Main $2,017 $2,838 $3,130
Pacific Cultural Center (PCC) $2,408 $3,240 $3,675
Gilroy / Morgan Hill Side
Fortino’s Winery/Redwood Retreat – Gilroy $1,736 $2,380 $2,667
Church at Dewitt/Dunne – Morgan Hill $2,408 $3,240 $3,675
One-Way riders pay 2/3 the rate; Riders with two bus stops (e.g. AM/PM) pay 1/2 each rate Occasional rides must be pre-arranged with the Office – $12 per ride, max 10 rides per quarter, billed each semester.

Payment Plans Available

Choose one:

1) Full payment for the entire school year paid by April 5, 2024 directly to the School (a
1% discount will be applied if payment is received by check or in cash by the due date
on the contract); Tuition Refund Plan (see above) at 2.2% of tuition is optional, but

FACTS Tuition Management plans

(FACTS allows payments using your savings
account, checking account or credit card (payment using credit card includes a 2.95%
convenience fee). The family will be responsible for payment of the $15 annual fee for the
Two-payment option or $50 annual fee for the monthly plan.)

2) Two-payment option: pay 50% by April 5, 2024 and 50% by August 5, 2024 through
FACTS Tuition Management. Tuition Refund Plan (see above) at 2.2% of tuition is
optional, but recommended, as long as the School receives the final payment before
classes begin.

3) Monthly payment plans are available through FACTS Tuition Management. Payments
will begin in April 2024 and continue through March 2025. Payment schedule is adjusted based on enrollment date, however all payments are due no later than June 2025. Tuition Refund Plan (see above) at 2.2% of tuition is required.

Other Financial Considerations

  • Three annual fundraisers supplement tuition and provide an additional 10 – 15% of revenue to cover Program expenses. Our goal is 100% family participation. Your contributions are tax deductible.
  • Incidental charges may include the following: snack bar purchases, occasional bus use, club fees, school supplies, book fees, athletic gear, and additional field trips not already included in the tuition.
  • Parents can expect tuition to increase annually by 3% to 7%, depending on operating costs.
  • By signing a Contract, parents enroll students for an entire academic year. In the event that a student withdraws before August 26, 2024 the contract states that 21% of the annual tuition is owed to the school. As of August 26, 2024 the full tuition is due the school. See the following Tuition Refund Plan for details.

New Family and Sibling Incentive Program

This incentive rewards current families for referrals that result in newly enrolled
students. A referring family receives a one-time:

  • $2,000 tuition credit for each new family they refer who enrolls one or more students for a full year.
  • $500 tuition credit for each new sibling within their own family enrolling for the 1st time for a full year.
  • If a new student enrolls for a partial year, a partial incentive reward will be given.

Credits: When a new student enrolls, the registration paperwork must indicate the
referring family. All incentive discounts will be credited to the referring family’s
account in October following the new student’s start date. The recipient family must
have a student enrolled at MMS to receive a credit.