Preschool – 5th Grade Admissions

Admissions Criteria

Preschool Readiness
Admission consideration is given to students who are 2.5 years old, are completely toilet trained, are able to verbally express wants and needs and can sit for circle time. Admission is based on an assessment of readiness from a personal interview session, class visit, and discussion with the parents.

Kindergarten Readiness
For eligibility to our Kindergarten program, in addition to the preschool criteria above, students must be 5 years old by September 1st. Additional readiness criteria include the ability to concentrate and follow directions, cooperate with adults and other children, and demonstration of age-appropriate motor skills.

Elementary Eligibility
Entry to Elementary School is based on social, emotional and academic readiness. This includes student performance at or above grade level in all academic areas, satisfactory scores on standardized exams (if applicable) and a record of good conduct.

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