A Heartfelt Message from MMS Parent and Board Member, Christine Smith

Dear Mount Madonna School Community,

As the holiday season comes to a close and the excitement of a brand new year is in the air, I find myself thinking about gifts.

Helping my youngest embrace the spirit of giving, I sat down with her a few weeks ago to help her choose Christmas gifts for her friends and family.

She said to me, “Mom, this is so hard, trying to figure out what they would like!”

“That’s right,” I answered in my wisest, lesson-teaching voice. “That’s what makes it so special.”

“I know,” she replied in her wisest, I-get-it-Mom voice. “It IS special. But it’s still hard.” 

Indeed, I think to myself.

Without a doubt, gift giving is joyous. It makes us feel good when we see our actions make a difference in someone’s life. At the same time, it can be challenging on many different levels, whether it’s the necessary thought process, the time commitment or the financial undertaking.

As members of the Mount Madonna School community, we all understand that the tuition we pay does not completely cover the cost of Mount Madonna’s incredible programs that so enrich the lives of our kids.

Please join me this year in donating to the Annual Giving campaign. Together, we can close the gap between operating costs and tuition.

Whatever you can contribute will make a difference. Let’s get that gap closed.

All the best,
Christine Smith
Mount Madonna School Parent and Board Member

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