Washington DC

Learning Journeys – Washington D.C.

The Government in Action Interview Project is in integral part of the “Values in World Thought” program at Mount Madonna School. This unique journey to Washington, D.C. provides our juniors and seniors a direct personal experience of those who devote their lives to public service. We are motivated by a sincere desire to inquire into the values and experiences of those who serve our  nation in all branches of government and beyond. Over nearly 30 years of this program we have seen that these conversations change forever the way our young people look at government and the possibility of public service.

2023 Washington, D.C. Journey

The students will present their reflections of the trip on May 26 at 9am.

You may read about the experiences of our junior and senior students as they wrote about their trip and conducted interviews with government and non-government Washington, D.C. leaders, April 30 – May 6, 2022. They interviewed Sean O’Keefe – Center for Strategic and International Studies (Former US Secretary of Navy / Former NASA Administrator), Congressman Jamie Raskin, Farar Elliott – Curator of the House of Representatives, Senator Ben Cardin, and Tom Tucker – US House Appropriations Committee, among others.

For student perspectives, see the trip blog: dc.mountmadonnaschool.org

Writing, photos and video of the previous journeys can be seen on the Values in World Thought website

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