
Pre/K Activities

Our preschool and kindergarten program cultivates the child’s imaginative and creative forces through storytelling, art, music, movement, dramatizations, and materials in the classroom. An appreciation of aesthetic beauty is supported through daily interaction with a surrounding environment that is expansive and rich in natural beauty, with nature hikes, forest adventures, and gardening activities. The child’s innate social skills and sense of valuing self and others in a school community setting is developed through the practice of conflict resolution activities, cooperative games and group learning experiences. The children’s cognitive abilities are cultivated through the exploration of numbers and letters, free choice times, and delving into the scientific method of observing, guessing, wondering and interacting. Learning experiences in the preschool and kindergarten are presented thematically through the arts, hands-on learning materials, circle times, holiday celebrations, and adventures around our beautiful campus. Holiday celebrations include many of the traditional holidays and those that honor various cultures. We also celebrate our own designated “special days,” such as “Pajama Day,” “Friendship Day,” “Teddy Bear Day,” and “Fairy Day”. The pre/k children are introduced to the dramatic arts through participation in the Elementary Winter Concert and Cultural Awareness Assembly as well as our all school production of the Ramayana.

From a Current Parent…

[After attending a Mother’s Day event] From beginning to end, the day was so well planned, the songs and books and succulents and stories, photos, photo frames, beads, and most of all the company were all so thoughtful and kind, and there were even strawberries and whipped cream on top of it all! As a former teacher, I know a little bit about how much work, time, dedication, and devotion goes into arranging a day like this and so many other days that I know we have no idea how much work it truly takes. I just wanted to say thank you, my Mother’s Day has been fulfilled. And let you know, even if is only a little, I do see. I can see your efforts, values and kindness & positive intentions growing in my girls. If you guys are the gateway to Mt. Madonna School, well then I will do all in my power to keep my girls on that Mountain for as long as I possibly can.

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