Quick 5 Podcast: 12th Grade Learning Journey to India (Part 2)

Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce, Quick 5 podcast, 3/14/2023.

New episode of Quick 5 released 4/25/2023!

On this episode of Quick 5 Chamber CEO Nick Gaich and Quick 5 Producer Kylie McLaughlin sat down with the senior class of Mount Madonna School to hear all about their journey to India! We had student Sandy Astone and Teacher Shannon Kelly on the show a few weeks back to talk to us before they embarked on their trip. Now that they’re back we wanted to hear how everything went! For part two of our series of Learning Journeys we got the whole class involved so we could hear all of the new perspectives gained and wonders experienced. Listen now to hear all of the lessons that this Learning Journey to India taught this group of high school seniors.

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