The Gilroy Dispatch, Student of the Week: Will Pramanik

-Name, age, grade, city of residence
Will Pramanik, 12, 7th, Gilroy
-What inspires you?
I am inspired by anything that is strategy related.  My favorite game is ‘Magic the Gathering,’ which is pure strategy. 
-What is your favorite subject in school, and why? 
My favorite subject is Algebra.  I suppose it is almost like solving puzzles which is somewhat strategy related.  Also my teacher, Brendan, makes Algebra a lot of fun.
-If you had the power to change one thing in the world, what would it be?
I would eliminate global warming. I think countries have to take it more seriously and there needs to be more regulation.  
-If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
I would go to St. Johns in the Virgin Islands before the coral reefs disappear.  
-Name one big challenge in your life right now: 
The biggest challenge I have is finding time to do everything I want to do. 
-What is your dream job? 
My dream job is get into Internet IT.  It seems to be a job that would enable me to constantly solve puzzles.
-What are your three favorite things?
My favorite things are strategy games, guitar and mountain biking.
-Favorite book: 
The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson is an amazing book. I can’t wait for the sequel! 
-What do you want to do after high school? 
I want to go to college, then get my masters. 
-What is your favorite thing about MMS — and why?
My favorite activity occurs at lunch, when I play Go with either a friend or Brendan, the Algebra teacher. Lunch in Brendan’s office is very strategic and a lot of fun. Brendan’s office is a de-facto meeting room for people who like playing strategy games. The games played include Stratego, Go and Chess.  Brendan joins in and plays these games with us at times. In my mind, he is the master strategist. I really enjoy playing him to test my skill and wits in Go.
-Something that makes you smile:
I love reading comics.  My mom will hear me laughing in my room sometimes and she knows I am reading comics.
-Top three most played songs on your iTunes or iPod: 
Holiday by Green Day
American Idiot by Green Day
Lebronatron by Buckethead

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