MMS Junior Chosen to Participate in Annual Young Women’s Political Leadership Program

MMS junior Zoe Kelly recently participated in the Values in World Thought social studies trip to Washington, D.C.  On this interview tour, she met Susannah Wellford, president and founder of Running Start. During the interview and in subsequent communication, a connection was formed, resulting in Ms. Kelly’s being offered the change to participate in this amazing leadership program!

A Young Woman on Her Way to Political Success

Santa Cruz, CA — We are proud to announce that Zoe Kelly was selected to participate in Running Start’s eighth annual Young Women’s Political Leadership Program, which is being held in Washington, DC this July in partnership with IGNITE. While the challenges young women face in pursuit of political office are abundant, Zoe will walk an easier path towards her political aspirations after attending the Young Women’s Political Leadership Program. Her leadership in the community and ambition to succeed set her apart from the many who applied.
Running Start is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, based in Washington, DC, that encourages young women to run for office early, so that they can establish the tenure necessary to rise to political leadership positions. The 2014 Young Women’s Political Leadership Program is designed to promote Running Start’s mission by giving high school young women the encouragement, support, knowledge, and inspiration they need to be leaders in their schools and communities today, and be leaders on the national stage at a young age.
IGNITE builds political ambition in young women, ages 14 — 22, in their own communities, with an emphasis on those that are underserved. IGNITE trains girls who may or may not have the confidence to run for office, but have a harder time seeking out and self-nominating for the kinds of leadership opportunities and training they need to get there.
The Young Women’s Political Leadership Program began in 2007 with 25 participants. In 2009, more than 30,000 young women applied for just 50 spots. The program continues to attract some of the brightest and most ambitious high school women in the country.
The 2014 Young Women’s Political Leadership Program class brings with them an enormous amount of talent. They are leading their communities by mentoring the youth in their schools, promoting diversity, volunteering, and leading people of all ages to improve society.
Susannah Welford Shakow, President and Founder of Running Start said: ‘We are thrilled to have such exceptional young women attend our program this year. Each one was chosen because of their passion to make a difference in people’s lives and their work to give back to their communities. They are the political leaders of tomorrow, and they give me great hope for the future of our country!’
The Young Women’s Political Leadership Program focuses on the important issues facing young women today and gives participants the tools to run for office. Participants will be instructed on a host of topics such as public speaking, networking, media training, and campaign basics. By participating in this unique experience, Zoe Kelly will leave this program with confidence in her ability to lead, to continue to bring change to her community, and to effectively advocate for her beliefs.
If you would like more information about Running Start (, the Young Women’s Political Leadership Program, or to schedule an interview with Zoe Kelly please contact Melissa Richmond at Running Start at or 818-903-9150.

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