Eighth Grader Performs at Regional Dance America Festival

Three Mount Madonna School students, all dancers with Santa Cruz Ballet Theatre (SCBT), recently participated in the Regional Dance America (RDA) Pacific Region Festival of Dance in Phoenix, Arizona. The students, fifth grader Milana Beck, sixth grader Riley Butler, and eighth grader Amelia Busenhart, represented SCBT at this showcase event, and Busenhart, a member of SCBT’s senior company, performed in a company ensemble at the festival.

Seventeen ballet companies were represented at the celebration, of these 6 are Honor Companies (including SCBT), which signify overall top-performing students and companies. RDA’s mission is to advance and foster the growth and education of dancers, choreographers, directors and dance companies in every community across the United States and Canada. The development of RDA member companies is further promoted through regional and national festivals by affirming standards of appraisals, evaluation and performance to which all members are held.


Contact: Leigh Ann Clifton, Media & Public Relations,


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