Ramayana 2013 Cast List


Congratulations to all for completing the audition process. You’ve done your part; hopefully you can acknowledge your growth and successes within the process. Now comes the next step: casting of the play. Casting is challenging for both performers and directors. For some, this will not be a big issue, while others may experience disappointment. The key is finding a way to move forward positively. Most have heard the statement before – every role is pivotally important – and while a bit of a cliché, it is proven true.

Staring at the cast list, you see a character title or group (like Demon Choir, Monkey or Demon) by your name. We may quickly categorize our roles as good or bad. Mostly, the criteria concerns line or song load, preconceptions about importance of the part or to reactions within the peer group. Since the Ramayana is such a known tradition at our school, lots of prejudgments float about. Usually our roles are much more than anticipated. No matter how the parts have been portrayed in the past, our current version will be different, mainly because we are different, even if reprising a role. Who these characters are, what they do, what dreams or conflicts they experience directly connects to who you are right now and will discover in the span of rehearsal.

If ever there was a play about community, it is the Ramayana, a rich tradition at our school that spans over thirty years, this year involving over 200 performers, as well as the myriad of designers, producers, and artists. Trust the process, trust the directors; embrace your character and enjoy the creative exploration. A positive attitude not only builds community, but also enables expansion of our own talents because we are willing to invest of ourselves.

Disappointment is a natural reaction when we don’t get what we want. One of the great lessons for all us in life, adults and students alike, is handling disappointment, making the best of a given situation and moving forward in a positive way. Friends and families can help greatly by encouraging acceptance and openness. Please avoid angry emails or phone tirades to the directing team. We have truly tried our best to do what is right for the play. Congratulations to all for your dedicated efforts and tremendous investment in the audition process. Let’s make Ramayana 2013 a memorable experience for all!


The Directing Team
Sampad, Leah, Mayana, Erika and PK




12th Grade

Aimee          Bonehead

Amber          Trijuta The Oracle

Brooke         Queen Kaikeyi + King Sugriva

Bryson          Prince Aksha + Nikumba

Daniel F       Prince Meghnad

Graydon       Lord Vibhishan

Jake              Lord Shiva

Joseph         Hanuman

Karina          Queen Mandodari

Kavi              Prince Shatrughna + Banana Nose the Monkey

Rudy            Prince Ram

Sanika          Princess Sita

Vyvyanne      Goddess Parvati

Willy              King Ravana


11th Grade

Ali                 Jambhavan King of the Bears

Ashley           Invocation + Belly + Demonini

Brianna         Surpanaka + Demonini

Curtis            Mama Bear

Daniel C        Jatayu + Monkey

Jay                 King Janak + Monkey

Jenny            Prince Angad of the Monkeys

Luciano         Prince Bharata + Nala the Monkey

Martin            Monkey

Olorin            Demon

Preethi          Invocation + Belly + Demonini

Roger            Hooknose

Rosino          Demon

Ruby N          Mantara + Flea the Monkey

Sally               Queen Kausalya + Nila the Monkey

Sophie K        Bheel Chief + Demonini

Soul               King Dasarath + Hobbit the Monkey

Talia              Invocation + Sampati + Demon Choir


10th Grade

Alyssa            Guhani + Demon

Caitlin             Medicine Woman + Demon Choir

Carlo               Monkey

Cassidy           Assistant Dance Choreographer + TBA

Chris               Demon + Kubanda Monster

Cooper           Bhutta + Monkey

David              Guha + Demon + Demon Choir

Lena               Invocation + Belly + Demonini

Lexi                Goddess Saraswati + Demon + Cook

Noah               Baby Bear

Pedro              Prince Lakshman

Rami               Goddess + Demon + Cook

Renata            Invocation + Golden Deer + Demonini

Sage                Maricha + Monkey

Tobin               Glider the White Monkey

Zoe                  Queen Sumitra + Demon Choir


9th Grade

Alex                 Nishadda Elder + Demon

Cameron         Sage + Demon + Headless Demon

CeCe               Belly Dance + Demon

Elise                Goddess + Demonini

Ethan               Sage + Demon + Spider

Holden            Sage + Demon

Julia                 Belly Dance + Demon

Lily                   Goddess + Demonini

Louis                Sage + Demon

Maddie            Belly Dance + Demon

Max                  Demon

Miles                Demon

Saniya             Belly Dance + Demon

Sophia S          Goddess + Demon Choir

Teresa             Belly Dance + Demon

Tyler                Nishadda Elder + Lizardo + Demon Choir


8th Grade

Amelia             Deer Troupe + Celebration Dance

Devyn              Demon + Skeleton

Haley               Demon + Celebration Dance

Izzy                  Deer Troupe + Celebration Dance

Kevin                Demon + Skeleton

Luca                 Demon + Skeleton

Nico S              Demon + Skeleton

Param              Demon + Spy Bird

Santino            Demon

Savannah        Demon + Celebration Dance

Slava               Demon + Skeleton


7th Grade

Brigg              Nishadda Tribe

Carl                Demon + Spy Bird

Cyrus             Nishadda Tribe

Faith               Deer Troupe + Celebration Dance

Gracie            Nishadda Tribe + Celebration Dance

Indigo             Nishadda Tribe + Celebration Dance

Lekha             Nishadda Tribe + Celebration Dance

Lucas             Nishadda Tribe

Nick                Nishadda Tribe

Phoebe          Nishadda Tribe + Celebration Dance

Ruby B           Nishadda Tribe + Celebration Dance

Sienna            Nishadda Tribe + Celebration Dance

Sydney            Deer Troupe + Celebration Dance

Will                  Demon

Zac C               Demon

Zach W            Demon


6th Grade

Cam D              Nishadda Tribe

Dana                Nishadda Tribe

Eleanor            Nishadda Tribe

Ella                   Nishadda Tribe

Imogen            Nishadda Tribe

John                 Nishadda Tribe

Jules                Nishadda Tribe

Nico P              Nishadda Tribe

Noah K            Nishadda Tribe

Riley                 Nishadda Tribe

Sage                 Nishadda Tribe

Samith              Nishadda Tribe

Sophia S           Nishadda Tribe

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