Kindergartners Create Cheerful Holiday Wreaths

In mid-November, Mount Madonna School kindergarten students, accompanied by teachers’ assistant Jesuina Smith, visited the beloved redwood Fairy Forest on the campus grounds to gather supplies – including acorns, small redwood branches, sticks, feathers and seed cones – to be used in creating holiday wreaths.

While the intention was to complete the wreaths as school, when the school temporarily pivoted to remote learning in mid-November, that wasn’t possible. Instead, Smith packed up these supplies and others for finishing the wreaths and sent them home to each student’s family.

The project became extra-special when, despite remote learning, they were able to complete it at home guided by a video Smith made demonstrating the wreath making.

“Students had the option of decorating their wreath with any materials they chose,” noted Smith. “I encouraged them to gift their colorful, finished wreaths to a loved one or simply hang someplace in their house to enjoy for the holidays.”


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