Once again, the Creative Writing Reading was a great success, thanks to the fantastic work of our wonderfully talented high school students and also the dedication of many parents and staff.
- Letty Bess for organizing and bringing so much delicious food
- Anurag White and Yamuna Ferdnandez without whom nothing would ever happen
- Martin Krilanovich for awesome sound and complete independence
- Kabir Ahluwalia for videography
- Liza Morell-Haltom for set up
- Anju Bhatnagar for food
- Manon Cardinal for flowers
- Leigh Ann Clifton for publicity
- Mary Kay Alfaro and Pamela Blunden for the yummy cookies
- Debbie Ahluwalia for set up and decorations
- Marcie Lettunich, Beth Blosser, Todd Mitchell and Jivanti Rutansky for clean-up as well as the many other parents who stepped up to help at the end of the event.