Preschooler’s Kindness Helps Shelter Animals

Mount Madonna preschool student Kinsey Don Carlos was recently featured in “Companion,” the Santa Cruz SPCA’s winter 2011 newsletter, for her efforts to help local shelter animals.

Four-year-old Kinsey Don Carlos recently asked those attending her birthday party to bring food, toys and beds for the animals staying at the Santa Cruz SPCA rather than presents for herself. Kinsey and her mom and dad visited the SPCA after the party and dropped bags of new and gently used dog beds, food and toys for cats and dogs. This is one of the youngest donors that the SPCA has seen, and they were so impressed by Kinsey’s kindness. Kinsey’s mom, Kelly, also made animal-themed coloring books and SPCA pencils available to those attending the party. The SPCA attempted to donate them to the Don Carlos family, but Kelly ended up writing a donation check for the things provided!


Reprinted by permission, Santa Cruz SPCA

Photo courtesy of Santa Cruz SPCA

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