Hawks Compete in Leland High School’s Charger Classic

On March 26, the boys varsity team participated in Leland High School’s Charger Classic tournament. The Hawks played six matches, and finished the day with a record of 4-2, and 9th overall in a 24-team tournament. Varsity coach PK McDonald, describes the day’s competition:

“In the morning the Hawks started strong with two wins against Carmel High and Saratoga, but then were overpowered by St. Francis of Mountain View. The boys showed resilience and played tough against St Francis, who ended the day placing second overall.

In the afternoon, the boys played solid ball against a good Homestead team and controlled the match. Next was a rematch against last year’s CCS match up Sacred Heart Cathedral, where emotions, fatigue and solid defense by Sacred Heart handed the boys their most lopsided defeat of the season.

The boys showed true resilience and bounced back in their last game against Monta Vista and were able to pull out a victory to finish the long day. This was the first tournament where we got to see how our boys stacked up against the greater pool of CCS talent, and though no one felt satisfied with the 9th place finish, I think it became clear that this team has the ability to play with anyone, and with hard work could make a run for a CCS title; but its still a long road till then. On with the season!”



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