Hawks Take 1st at Aptos Spring Fling

On March 5, the varsity boys played in the annual Aptos Spring Fling Tournament – a much smaller event this year, with only four school competing. The boys played well, and despite losing one match to Harker in pool play, persevered to emerge tournament winners!

Here are the game summaries:

MMS over Aptos, 2-1

MMS over Watsonville, 2-0

Harker over MMS, 2-0

MMS over Watsonville, 2-0

MMS over Harker, 2-0

“The team is starting to come together,” commented boys varsity coach, PK McDonald. “The boys are playing disciplined defense and are looking to continue to improve. This team is focused, hard working and has its eye on the league championship. The stakes are high in each league game and the boys are going to need the support of every fan of Mount Madonna volleyball this season.” 

Photos by Ross Bryan.

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