International Otter Survival Fund newsletter: Children Helping Monitor Sea Otter Disturbance in California

International Otter Survival Fund newsletter, number 97, January 2019, “Children helping monitor sea otter disturbance in California.” This organization is based on the Isle of Skye near Scotland’s northwest coast.

Fifth graders from Mount Madonna School joined a Sea Otter Savvy programme to monitor disturbance of the otter populations around Moss Landing. The children were given the responsibility of monitoring who and what disturbed the sea otters within the area.

This programme gives future generations the opportunity to learn about the importance of minimal disturbance to sea otters and other wild animals, while raising the profile of the species. It allows children to understand their own role in the future of our environment and how important we can be in maintaining wild animal populations.

The pupils learned a lot from the programme such as the otters’ meticulous grooming schedule and how any disturbance meant they had to begin it all again.

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