, “Understanding Your Multi-situated Self,” an Interview with Director of Upper School Shannon Kelly, 9/11/2017, The Path to Higher Ed, Building College and Career Readiness – “Understanding Your Multi-situated Self,” a dialogue with Director of Upper School Shannon Kelly (’92).

In a recent social media post, teacher Haley Campbell (’02) shared her impressions of the discussion: “In this inspiring interview Shannon talks about how Mount Madonna School addresses the three pillars of education — Academic Excellence, Creative Self-Expression, and Positive Character Development — through exposure to global perspectives, the power of our local and international learning journeys, the courage and confidence instilled through our all-student performing arts program, the importance of strong relationships and being seen, and the deep values that guide our educational community.”

An excerpt from the interview:

“We want our students to understand their multi-situated selves: where do they belong within the family, within the school community, within the local community, within the state, the nation, and the world. We are cultivating thinking, engaged, empathetic individuals who know how to think beyond their self-interests…If you graduate passionate about learning, knowing how to think and write and speak, you will be successful in whatever you want to do…. Success is defined by what kind of life are you leading, what kind of impact are you making.

You can listen to the podcast for free online at The Path to Higher Ed or via your podcast app. For more about Shannon’s background and professional experience, click here.

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